Let’s find a way through.

My services

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Psychotherapy & Counselling

Whatever is happening in your life is worth paying attention to, especially the places that are challenging you. It is very helpful to get curious, slow things down, focus and listen inward, with a trustworthy facilitator, guide and sounding board.

Take the time and space you need.

60 mins |  $155

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I currently offer consultation services for the Tsilhqot’in First Nation and other First Nation health and wellness initiatives. The Tl’etinqox Horse Project, Guzun Ch’ah (Good Way), is a community development project that I have been supporting since its inception in 2018.


Equine Psychotherapy

If you are interested in taking your inner work into the arena of heightened embodiment, moment-to-moment awareness, and learning about energy and relationships, you might be interested in trying equine psychotherapy.

Horses have so much to teach us.

60 mins |  $165

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I am a Certified Integral Facilitator, and a Certified Gestalt Equine Psychotherapist. I have combined facilitation, coaching and psychotherapy for community engagement processes as well as psychotherapy and coaching groups with horses. Please contact me directly at lisa@lisahartwick.ca.


“Lisa has provided valuable insight and support as I have been navigating a particularly challenging time. She has created a safe space for me, tailored to my needs, and that is allowing me to explore a better future.”

— Client


“When I think of Lisa I instantly think of kindness, creativity, integrity, and engagement. I have known Lisa for well over ten years. She consistently steps into every teaching/mentoring situation with the compassion and knowledge which she embodies from years of actively seeking truth and exploring growth.”

— Duey Freeman, Founder & Director, Gestalt Equine Institute of the Rockies (GEIR)

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“Lisa’s energy is contagious, really wholesome, wise, trustworthy, humourous, adventurous, respectful, and vibrant - a beacon to tune in to.”

— B. Beitsma, Relational Horse Specialist